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+49 30 24041420



Post 48: Stress-Buster Meditation for Your Desk

It’s difficult sometimes to stop for a moment when we are “in” a moment of stress. We push ourselves to keep going, to get things finished, to check off that never-ending list. I know because I do it myself all the time!

BUT, what if I told you that pausing for a few minutes can actually help you move through the list faster, more efficiently, with more focus, clarity and inspiration?

Being a massage therapist has really taught me the power of taking time for yourself. Every other week another therapist and I trade massage and I get an hour to stop and let go with absolutely no distractions. It is the most efficient way I have found to completely refuel, refocus, and come back to whatever was so important beforehand with a fresh perspective.

I highly recommend massage, a yoga class, or meditation. But when you have a deadline or can’t get away for that long, what I also recommend is simply a few minutes to completely relax your mind around whatever it is you’ve been working on. You will be amazed at how just a few minutes can be so effective.

The next time you feel your stress reaching a crescendo, try this 5-minute stress-buster, meant to be practiced right at your desk. Notice how you feel before, after, and share with me your findings!