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+49 30 24041420



Guided Meditation

Post #107: Let gratitude (not stress) fill your week. 17-Minute Gratitude Meditation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I'm grateful for YOU!! Seriously, you share in this phenomenal practice with me and we help each other fill life with more peace, more joy, and more gratitude. And what holiday represents this better than Thanksgiving? Plus there's all this good food! (My favorite has got to be the sweet potato casserole. And I like to stir it in with some mashed potatoes, maybe some gravy if it's vegan. Now that's a good bite!) But what's even better than that is spending time with family and friends and honoring each other with gratitude. Maybe we honor them...

Post #98: Pretend Your Partner is a Dog

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]My dog, Kiya comes to work with me. When I come out of a massage session I can't wait to look around the corner and see her zonked out on the couch. She usually opens an eye and looks at me, making sure I'm not leaving without her. When I see her, even though I saw her right before I went into session, I have the most wonderful feeling of love for her. Yesterday, I thought to myself, I need to feel this way toward my husband. Unfortunately, stress and responsibility...

Post #95: 2-Minute Practice Setting an Intention for Synchronicities

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_video link="https://vimeo.com/822539983/" el_width="80" el_aspect="43" align="center" title="2-Minute Practice: Setting an Intention for Synchronicities"][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]A few weeks ago we were on a family trip and my daughter and I got into a pretty deep conversation about the existence of God. She had questions and doubts which I think is very normal and very healthy for a teenager to have. I told her that if she paid attention, she would have many experiences in life with other people and on her own which would reveal the existence of God, or a higher power. I...

Post #93: How many times will you let your ego knock you down?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When I started studying A Course In Miracles concepts I noticed that I began feeling depressed. Here I was studying the most mind-blowing concepts that I had ever come across and they were depressing me. It wasn't until a year later (yes literally a year) that I realized my own manipulative ego was at the helm once again. These teachings from A Course In Miracles are some of the best on the planet for helping us SEE THROUGH our own egos. So guess what. Our egos don't like it. Our egos don't like to...

Post #92: Forgiving Mom.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Why are mom's so hard to forgive sometimes? And if it's not your mom maybe there is someone else in your life that brings up judgment for you and pushes your buttons. You find yourself judging them then feeling guilty for all the thoughts and feelings that come up toward them. Maybe you even do what I did and spout off to them and tell them all the things they are doing wrong. The truth is my mom can be very judgmental toward others. What I know after doing the same thing over...

Post #90: Spring Equinox Cultivation Journaling Exercise

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Spring Equinox Cultivation Journaling Exercise The vernal equinox marks the turning point when daylight begins to win out over darkness. On March 20, 2023 day and night are of equal length and the days will get longer and longer until summer solstice, June 21st.  Spring is a time of re-birth and renewal. We are coming out of Winter and feel gratitude for the warmth of the sunlight and the lushness of the foliage. Some spring days I even delight in the brief touch of humidity that will soon reach 100% by summer...

Post #87: the component of yoga that is often overlooked

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Did you wake up with positive thoughts and feelings going through your mind or negative ones? Did you even notice or did you simply get caught up in the thoughts and feeling you woke up with and let them drag you through your morning routine? Ugh, I hate when that happens! Did you know that true yogic practice will help you take back the way you live and even get you through your morning routine with a smile and gratitude for the day at hand?  A man named Patanjali wrote the Yoga Sutras around...

Post #86: Experience the Spiritual Light of the Self 21-Minute Guided Meditation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Years ago I was told that Savasana, corpse pose,  was the most important pose in yoga. Huh? My 20-year old self wondered how simply laying down and relaxing was most important. My 40+ year old self now understands completely. The older we get the more opportunities we have had to make mistakes and carry regrets or guilt for those mistakes. We have kids, jobs, and responsibilities that can be overwhelming and pull us out of our peaceful place. We reach a point in which we feel that most of our opportunities and possibilities are in the past...

Post #81: Don’t start the New Year without this 20 min seated practice!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Is it really a new year?! Wow, that happened fast. I'm excited to have another reason to "re-set" and check in to make sure I'm still on the path that I want to be.  Today's practice is a short 20 minute seated practice (you can sit in a chair if you'd like). If you are ready to get clear on what you want to leave behind and what you want to cultivate in the year to come then make some time for this practice some time this week.  I include a reading from...

Post #80: Read this before your Thanksgiving gathering!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Let me ask you an important question before you get in your car and head out to your family or friends house for Thanksgiving: Would you rather be right, or would you rather be peaceful? This question immediately tells us if we're acting from our ego-self or our soul-self. If you answered that question and would rather be right then you'll want to listen to the guided meditation I've included today. If you'd rather be peaceful then you are on your way to a pleasant holiday gathering. Most of us have family or...