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Post #115: Does Your Ego Take The Reins?

Post #115: Does Your Ego Take The Reins?

Does your ego take the reins?

Do you ever feel like you’re better than other people or, on the flip side, do you ever feel like you’re worthless and inadequate?

If so, your ego is definitely taking the reins.

I want to give you the first step in taking them back.

You have to start with your own mind. What are the thoughts going on in your mind? Are they negative? Are they judgmental?

If so, that’s okay. Just notice them.

Are they directed toward yourself, or others, or both?

Simply notice. Now forgive yourself for them, and let them go. Every time they come up, forgive and let go. Forgive and let go.

Remind yourself that you are not better than anyone else and no one else is better than you.

Period. Your ego won’t like to hear that. The ego loves competition and separation. But seeing through your own ego is the first step toward peace that is unshakeable.

Let me say that again. Seeing through your own ego is the first step toward peace that is unshakeable.

My favorite quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

Seeing ourselves as equal with one another is part of our first step in faith. Faith in a God that would not give more to one person and less to another. Faith in a God that created us as whole, perfect, and eternal (a lesson I learned from A Course In Miracles) and could never see us as anything different.

Ask yourself, do you judge the homeless man on the side of the road? Do you recognize that there is zero difference between you and that man? You are both God’s children who He loves completely.

Do you judge your friend for how they deal with certain things in life? Do you recognize that there is zero difference between you and them? You are both God’s children who He loves completely.

Do you judge yourself for not being something you thought you would be? Do you recognize that God loves you exactly as you are because He knows He created you in His image, in perfection, and nothing can change that?

Did you know that how you judge others is in direct correlation to how you judge yourself?

It’s when we allow the ego to take control and let judgment go on in our heads that the peaceful, centered feeling goes away. We no longer feel connected to each other. We have allowed our ego to take over and although it may temporarily make us feel “better” than someone else, that never feels good inside in the long run.

So start simple. Notice the judgment, take a deep breath, and let it go. Forgive it and let it go. The more you practice this simple awareness exercise the easier it gets, until you find those judgmental thoughts coming less and less.

You’ll start feeling a weight lifting off of you. You’ll start feeling connected to others rather than constantly in competition. You start feeling more accepting of others, and guess what?

Then you start becoming more accepting of yourself.

Are you ready to get really honest with yourself, start seeing through your own ego, and find that unshakeable peace and contentment that comes with faith in an all-loving, all-accepting God?

My 10-week group coaching intensive, Get Back to Your Soul-Self, will start you on a journey that’s definitely worth taking. Learn more and schedule a call with me to see if it’s a good fit for you here.

Remember, you are a force for good in the world. The more consistent you get with these practices the more your life will become guided, sacred, and filled with meaning. You cannot help but then extend deep peace, joy, and contentment to your loved ones, friends, and everyone you meet. The world could use more of this, so let’s get you in the best space to make it happen.

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