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Post #94: Setting spiritual intentions for practice increases well-being

Post #94: Setting spiritual intentions for practice increases well-being

Years ago a friend of mine asked me if it bothered me that some studios were advertising yoga strictly as a means of exercise. “Not at all,” was my response. The only reason I started yoga was because I tried it one time and realized that I couldn’t stay in triangle pose without falling out. I was 23 at the time and was supposed to be in the best shape of my life. I exercised regularly but yoga was different. It was a challenge and I found myself in awe of the strength, flexibility and balance that yoga teachers portrayed. Initially, it was that challenge that fueled my practice.

After spending the first 2 years of my home yoga practice crying my eyes out, I began to notice a supreme peacefulness washing over me.  I was releasing all sorts of old emotional baggage every time I stepped onto my mat. The tears felt good. They were healing me from the inside out.

I was hooked but I wanted to know more about how this ancient practice was healing me from the deep seated anger, insecurity, and loneliness that had been the backdrop of my life for many years. 

That was what motivated me to seek out yoga teacher training and began my path that I am eternally grateful for embarking on. So yes, if you begin yoga as a means for exercise then I welcome that. Because there is so much depth to this phenomenal practice that will be shown to you in your own time as you are ready. That is the cool thing about yoga as a spiritual path. Your higher self knows you inside and out and is putting the perfect tools in place to help you wake up. Your higher self wants you to live the most exquisite life steeped in gratitude, joy, deep peace and contentment.  And if exercise is the carrot that it needs to dangle to get you on the right path, then so be it.

An experiment from 2014 showed that spiritual motivations for yoga practice become more important the longer one practices. And that psychological well-being increased if spirituality was the intention behind the practice. For more on this article visit:  https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.695939/full

There is a wealth of research now on the positive benefits of yoga as a spiritual practice. Spiritual-Yogi is a tool to remind you of the depth of this practice so that you stay the course and live an intentionally beautiful life.

That being said, if you are ready to fully shift your practice to a spiritual yoga practice then Spiritual Yogi will help you do this.

I am sharing a simple 6 minute practice today that will help you begin to sense your energy body. This will help increase your balance plus help you expand your awareness to realize that we are so much more than just the physical. Enjoy!

Remember, you are a force for good in the world. The more consistent you get with these practices the more your life will become guided, sacred, and filled with meaning. You cannot help but then extend deep peace, joy, and contentment to your loved ones, friends, and everyone you meet. The world could use more of this, so let’s get you in the best space to make it happen.

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