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Spiritual Guidance

Post 19: Still on the search for the magic of Santa? CSN Retreat can bring it back!

I hope I’m not letting the cat out of the bag for anyone, but when I was way too old to be believing in Santa anymore, I finally found out from my best friend that Santa Claus wasn’t real.  I actually convinced my friend, albeit briefly, that her parents were lying to her.  Santa was real and reindeer could fly. This let-down was the worst and best thing that could have happened to me. It emblazoned me with the perfect combination of distrust for certain things my parents had taught me...

Post 18: Lets end the heart-wrenching soul searching once and for all!

“Since I began practicing Yoga and studying the principles of A Course In Miracles and yogic philosophy, my life has changed completely.  Not from the outside looking in, but through the experience I have in my mind, the way I perceive life.  I can now see an awakening happening in my mind.  I always thought enlightenment was for spiritual gurus or cloistered nuns, but now I know that it is a possibility for all of us.  We are all spiritual beings and we are all capable of living awake in...

Post 17: Your wake up call…waking up cranky!

Maybe you stayed up too late doing a whole lot of nothing. Maybe you dreamed your partner cheated on you. Maybe you ate too many bonbons right before going to sleep. (Remember those?) But now the sun is coming up and suddenly you are angry for having to get up for your job, angry for staying up too late reading that below-average book, angry that your spouse cheated on you in your dream, you are even angry about the guilt you now feel as your dog looks at you with...

Post 16: The kleshas that can even trick a guru!

If you are a fellow yoga teacher, the goal of teaching is to help ourselves and others to see through the ego so that we can experience that feeling of union.  The problem is, the ego can be very tricky. We can end up falling into one of its most gargantuan tricks ever, “spiritualizing” the ego. This falls under two kleshas, or afflictions of the mind, according to yoga. The klesha of attachment or attraction which is the deep desire to possibly be looked up to and another klesha called...

Post 15: Yoga teachers, do not make this common mistake!

For all the yoga teachers out there! Is ego showing up in your teaching, in your studio, or in your life in general? Take the Ego Quiz to find out. As teachers and guides it is crucial for us to be aware of our own ego so that it does not take away the one most important thing we are trying to give to our students and fellow teachers, an experience of unity and connection. Take this short “Ego Quiz” to find out if ego is pulling one over on you. Some...

Post 14: A spiritual perspective on death.

You are driving down the road when up ahead you see it. It could be a crumpled box, it could be a dead animal. It is on the road, not moving. You feel the dread of what is to come. You get closer, and closer, and now you can see quite clearly. It is an animal that has been hit on the road. You feel that heaviness come over your heart. You look closely as you pass, memorizing where it was hit and what injuries it looks like it sustained. ...

Post 13: Is worthlessness making you feel like a sack of poo?

Are you worthless, inadequate, and your life is the equivalent of poo? Great!!! Me too! Okay, so we all have this voice inside our heads that likes to tell us these things from time to time, marinating us in feelings of worthlessness. No, it’s not the devil, just a thought system we fell into at some point along the way. The next time you hear it, don’t think you need to fall into that pattern of then feeling down and worthless the rest of the day. Simply hitch a ride to looney...

Post 12: Yoga gives you coping skills for any situation!

Coping skills are necessary for high-stress situations and yoga gives you the ultimate coping skills. This past January my Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer.  There were two days in which we thought she had a fast growing cancer that could possibly take her within a few years.  Miraculously, the diagnosis was wrong.  It was a slow growing cancer that had not spread and they were able to cut it out of her lung in February and be done with it, no chemo or radiation. Throughout those two months with my Mom’s...

Post 11: Let judgment go and free your family of their shackles this Thanksgiving…yes, shackles!

We all might as well sit around the dinner table this Thanksgiving with shackles on our hands and feet. These shackles are representative of the particular roles we play in our immediate families that we bound ourselves and each other to. I want to share a quote from A Course In Miracles: “When you have learned to look on everyone with no reference at all to the past, either his or yours as you perceive it, you will be able to learn from what you see now. For the past can...

Post 10: No such thing as a whore, just the true nature within.

If you have ever called someone a whore then listen up. If a person, male or female, is acting in this manner, then they are probably feeling insecure, unworthy, unloved, not enough, and the list goes on. Rather than calling them names and gossiping about them, we should be sending these people love from our hearts. We need to remember to see them in their True Nature and see ourselves in our True Nature as connected and One with each other in Spirit. These people are our brothers and sisters! If you are...