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Author: ginger

Post 6: Stop judgment in its tracks, take a walk in someone else’s shoes!

Judgment is the backbone of the ego. Learn how to dismantle it easily through this simple exercise. Okay, so we all know that we can't judge another until we have walked in their shoes. So, what are you waiting for? Stop judgment right here, right now: Bring to mind someone who has been irking you lately. Close your eyes and imagine pinning them down, taking their shoes! Put them on, walk around.  (They are looking at you like you are crazy right now!) See where they live, how they work, what they think of themselves. Notice if you...

Post 4: Turn your mental breakdown into a spiritual breakthrough.

"A mental breakdown is the beginning of a spiritual breakthrough."   Miracle of Trust CD Collection by Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Veiera If you are numbing out of life with: alcohol drugs food work It may be time to look yourself in the eye and allow yourself the space and time to go ahead and have that mental breakdown. We waste so much time preventing ourselves from feeling all the stuffed down pain and emotion from childhood, from yesterday, from 5 minutes ago. When you stop for a moment and allow the emotions, the...

Post 3: For my Dad, with love.

My Dad and I have the most wonderful relationship and a lot of it is spent conversing over fascinating books that we have read over the past twenty plus years. My Mom would say that she started my Dad on these types of fascinating books when she suggested The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot which she heard about on the radio back when I was in high school.  So I should be thanking my Mom as well for her interest in and innate understanding and belief in a world beyond the...

Post 1: Kick those blues to the curb!

Kick those blues, that dissatisfaction, and un-fulfillment to the curb! 8-Weeks to Waking Up! is an online spiritual retreat to help you build a solid habit of implementing spiritual principles and practices into your daily life. This program is designed to help you lead a life of absolute Spiritual Fulfillment: be guided through life effortlessly; tap into unlimited creativity and connection; live in harmony with all of creation. I’m Ginger Dunaway. Since I began practicing Yoga and studying the principles of A Course In Miracles and Yogic Philosophy, my life has changed completely.  Not...