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Post 6: Stop judgment in its tracks, take a walk in someone else’s shoes!

Post 6: Stop judgment in its tracks, take a walk in someone else’s shoes!

Judgment is the backbone of the ego. Learn how to dismantle it easily through this simple exercise.

Okay, so we all know that we can’t judge another until we have walked in their shoes.

So, what are you waiting for?

Stop judgment right here, right now:

Bring to mind someone who has been irking you lately.

Close your eyes and imagine pinning them down, taking their shoes!

Put them on, walk around.  (They are looking at you like you are crazy right now!)

See where they live, how they work, what they think of themselves.

Notice if you can tune into subtle feelings/emotions they experience on a regular basis.

Notice if you can tune into thoughts that go through their head, tearing them down, driving them, making them feel crazy or anxious or stupid.

Look down at those shoes.  Where have they been?  Where are they going?  Where are they worn?

If this person died today could you say that you were able to look past the b.s. and love them anyway?

Need more help? Check out my FREE Forgiveness Meditation here to help you let judgment go for good.

Choose Spirit Now.