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Post 23: Give the ultimate spiritual gift!

Post 23: Give the ultimate spiritual gift!

Christmas GiftWhen I found myself in the same room as Oprah Winfrey – okay so “room” was Phillips Arena in Atlanta with ten thousand plus other fans – I just had to cry.

I was suddenly heighteningly attuned to the magnitude of her presence. I was immediately and viscerally aware of the impact her being has had on so many, but also…
I was aware in those first few moments of seeing her that everyone in that arena felt the same way. Even Oprah seemed to pick up on it from the audience and had to take a moment to just take it all in and simply BE in that moment.

What I love about Oprah is her ability to give to people. All of us were able to tap into that part of ourselves as we watched over the years as she gave, and gave, and gave on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Most of us wishing we would have a time in our lives, at last, when we were able to give to someone else as Oprah did and see that look on someone else’s face as we gave them the object they most needed or desired.

Well, I am here to tell you, my friend, that today is the day that you realize that you can take a walk in Oprah’s shoes. But today you can give something even more important than a new car, a paid mortgage, or a pizza delivered by Bon Jovi himself.  Okay, so that was pretty freaking cool!

We are able to give the ultimate spiritual gift of …drumroll…

Seeing someone else in their true nature! Don’t let the ego make you sink with disappointment! We are able to give the gift of looking past the ego in others to the whole, perfect, and eternal Spirit in which that person was made in God’s image. And this is a REAL GIFT to give to someone!

Seeing people in their true nature (without having to say a word) positively affects people on levels that we cannot even begin to fathom.

Can anybody give me a Heck Yeah!?
How do we begin doing this? For starters keep reading my posts which will continue to give you an understanding of the ego and how to see past it in yourself and others. Enroll in CSN Retreat for a much deeper understanding and more intense but ever-so-fun self-study. AND join Oprah for Super Soul Sundays on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. Check out the trailblazers she had speak at her “Live the Life You Want” weekend: Liz Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love; Rob Bell, author of What We Talk About When We Talk About God; and Ivanla Vanzant, author of Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything.

Keep surrounding yourself with positive people with positive messages with the underlying theme of acceptance, non-judgment, and forgiveness of yourself AND others. This isn’t always about the big stuff.  This is about the snide comment your mother made, the jerk who cut you off in traffic, the co-worker that is SO difficult to be around.  Accept, don’t judge, and forgive THESE people in your life. When you finally surrender and let go of the ego enough to find that acceptance, non-judgment, and forgiveness, a WORLD OF PEACE will open up for you. It is well worth getting over your fear of letting go of that judgment and see the face of Christ in all of your brothers and sisters.

Choose Spirit Now!

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